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work packages

Tagungsraum Business

work package 1
policies & practices

Provide an international overview of policies and practices for (non-professional) interpreting in health care in terms of qualification, finance and organisation on a national and regional level.


work package 2
barriers & resources

Assess barriers and resources in the communication on a micro- and meso-level from perspectives of  (mental) health care professionals, (former) service users, relatives/ supporters of migrant service users, formal and in-formal interpreters, and stakeholders. 


work package 3
technological devices

Investigate the needs, usability and effciency of technological tools in providing quality mental health care to overcome language barriers.

Sitzung läuft

work package 4

Development of recommendations and information tools for (mental) health care professionals and migrants based on a consensus process with regional migrant groups and experts to facilitate multilingual communication.


work package 5

Development and evaluation of an intervention for health care professionals to improve communication in language discordant encounters with migrant service users.

Gemeinsam erhobene Hände

work package 6
assessing community strengths

Assess migrants’ engagement and use of informal social networks to manage their mental and physical health needs and navigate linguistic, cultural, and personal barriers to accessing healthcare. 

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