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Global Mental Health Symposium 2024

15.11.2024 - Hamburg, Germany

Last Friday, Prof Mike Mösko and the research group on psychosocial health and migration invited to a Global Mental Health Symposium at the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf. MiM2M team members from Germany, Romania, Malaysia and South Africa presented their research on different mental health issues from around the globe. 

Rowan Madzamba from Stellenbosch University talked about navigating sensitive interviews in multilingual contexts and gave insights and recommendations from South Africa. 

Prof Christine Anthonissen from Stellenbosch University discussed why migrants who need care are often invisible in the mental health care system and presented perspectives from a Western Cape study in South Africa. 

Annika Kreienbrinck from the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf looked at overcoming language barriers in mental healthcare through communication with technological tools and shared preliminary results from a cross-country qualitative study.

Ovidiu Oltean from Babes-Bolyai University shed light on advancing migrant inclusion and overcoming barriers in Romania’s refugee response.

Lastly, Andrian Liem from Monash University Malaysia talked about silent caregivers and showed research findings on the mental health of Indonesian domestic workers in Asian geriatric care. 

Thank you to the incredible speakers, Saskia Hanft-Robert for organizing and guiding us through the symposium and all the participants who joined us! It was truly a pleasure to engage in meaningful discussions and share ideas with all of you. 💐

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